Hydrocarbon exploration


Hydrocarbon exploration and play-concepts evaluation (Seismic interpretation, Geochemical modelation, Well analysis, Reservoirs stratigraphical architecture characterization, Structural modeling, Prospect evaluation, Exploratory programs proposal) in Spain for different companies: REPSOL, CEPSA, Petroleum Oil & Gas, Gas Natural Fenosa, CAIRN ENERGY, TEREDO OIL, ASLAND ENERGY, GASINEX (GESA), ROBERTSON-AURENSA, Unión Fenosa Gas, SERYSON, HIDROCARBUROS DE EUSKADI, HOPE PETRÓLEOS, ESCANA OGP, BNK, STORENGY and SORGENIA.

Main exploratory domains:
• Offshore: Cádiz Goulf, Vizcaya Goulf, Galicia, Mediterráneo, & Portugal.
• Onshore: Vasque Cantabrian Basin, Ebro Basin, Duero Basin, Guadalquivir Basin, Betic range: Campo de Gibraltar, Prebetic & Subbetic & Balearic high and Pirineo Range.

The scope of the carried out projects are summarized as followed:

• Seismic , Petrophysics & Geochemical interpretation and Petroleum system modeling in several Word basin for REPSOL Company
• Programm, Planning and technical supervisión in seismic surveys and other geophysical acquisition surveys in onshore areas Spain, South-America, Wester Asia and North-Africa, for different companies: Cepsa, Enresa, Enagas, Repsol-Syrian Branch.
• Synthesis project EROM (Regional Exploration in the middle East), for REPSOL
• Hydrocarbon potential evaluation Lancaster Projet in the North Sea, for Hurricane-Guadalmar Companies association.
• Technical assitance services of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Gas Shale Potential evaluation in Northeast of Spain (Pyrenean and Catalonian Basins). Shale Gas.

• Technical assitance services of Oil&Gas Exploration in Spain, for the companies: Kerr-Mc Gee Oil & Gas Corporation, Robertson Geospec, TGS Nopec, Fugro-Geoteam, Conoco, BNK. Storengy and Sorgenia.
• Stratigraphical & Structural interpretation in the Atlantic margin offshore area for Locs Oil Company Of Spain, SL.
• Geological & Geophysical Interpretation & evaluation of the Hassi- Messaud field (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• 3D seismic interpretation, QOUBBA Projet (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• Characterization of Paleozoic reservoirs in the TXAN-1 and TMZ-1 wells (Issaouane concession, illizi Basin Algeria). Repsol
• Area Tiznit evaluation (Marrocco offshore). CEPSA
• Integrated sedimentological and petrographic study of the devonian sequence of well ISW-1. Issaouane. Repsol
• "Petroleum System of the Offshore Western Mediterranean Basin" report. TGS Nopec.
• Setting and synthesis of the Triassic targets for Carboniferous or Permian source rock in Spain. Repsol
• Upper Purbeckian Limestone evaluation. Interpretation of 3D Seismic data and well Log analysis "Ayoluengo structure". La Lora License. Cantabrian Basin. Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Exploratory potential in Treviño area. Vasque-Cantabrian Basin. SHESA Company
• Geochemical Outcropping sampling and evaluation in "SIERRA SAGRA" Y "MURCIA A y B" permits. (Betic Range). Repsol.
• Petrophysical evaluation of gas shows in Cuenca de Madrid Wells, for Vancast Company
• Unconventional gas evaluation areas in the Spanish onshore for different International Companies.
• Seismic interpretation and trap characterization in Cordoba B-2 well, for Nuelgas
• Geological and Geophysycal Interpretation. Tozo structure. Basconcillos-H Permit. Tethys Oil, Ascent Resources PLC, Teredo Oils LTD.
• Hontomin Structure Geological and Geophysical evaluation Hontomin-4 summary report. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Hontomin 4 Geological and Geophysical evaluation interpretation of 2D seismic data Huermeces block Cantabrian Basin Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Upper Purbeckian limestone evaluation interpretation of 3D seismic data and well log analysis "Ayoluengo structure" La Lora License Cantabrian Basin (Spain). Ascent Resources PLC.
• “Arenas del Guadalquivir Fm” geometrical characterization. Palmera 1 Project-El Ruedo. Guadalquivir Basin, for Unión Fenosa Gas-Nuelgas .
• Geological and Gephysical Study on the Golfo de Valencia-Mediterraneas Basin for Hydrocarbon Exploration. Cairn Energy.
• Reserve evaluation in four gas fields in Pakistan, for SOCOIN (Unión Fenosa Gas).
• Hydrogeological & Structural study in Horquilla y Calderín permits (Guadalquivir Basin), for Petroleum Oil & Gas (Gas Natural Group).
• Validation of statistical procedure for identification of analogous reservoirs, reservoir characterization and generation cluster correlations. Repsol.
• Geological and geophysical Hydrocarbon Exploration data compilation Placido-Ainsa & Carlota Permits South Pyrenees. Teredo Oils.
• Technical assitence in the exploratory hydrocarbons data management, in the East Pirinean Range, for Teredo Oil Company..